

Lift Ecru from 1st Aug 2004 opening 1st 5h
リフトエクリュ 平成16年8月1日から
" INSTAN "インスタント
今回の試みはあえて" INSTANT " というタイトルのインスタレーションを行う事により(INSTANTはコレクションのタイトルが既にそうです)その対象物(コレクション自体)が示すメッセージをダイレクトに伝達するという事が主目的でした。視点を変える事によりそこに見えて来る真実(リアリティー)を体感出来る空間が完成しました。

This collection named “instant” surely did surprise everyone by completely opposing the definition of the word “instant” that we have in our mind. These normally come from someone else telling you or one learning from his or her surroundings. Though when instants are created, the enormous amount of research and experiments will never be exposed to the public and is kept a secret, other than for those who work on it.
This collection’s idea was to tell the message that the item has “instantly” to the ones that are watching. We’ve created a space where you can realise the reality after changing the perspective.