Is it possible to think that the people who lives in city area lives in a “cage” where people have unconscious restraining, disability and freedom which can be seen but not reached? In that restricted environment, the sense of derailing can be possible. This method was tried at the presentation held in the ’01 Milan collection. Real human beings were locked up in a cage, and were observed from the outside to reflect the idea of restrictions that we have in reality.
The collection’s items can all symbolize the word “restriction”. The outer coat that has a very extreme shoulder line, boots which has the opposite shape comparing to the normal ones, transparent leather gloves, turned and twisted trousers, a pair of trousers with straight lines going through them, a belt which is as thin as the load strings on motorbikes, and so on. They all have a gray colour tone, giving off the impression of the city areas.
今回のこのイベントは2001年S/Sのミラノコレクションにおいてキャロルが初のプレゼンテーションを6月にミラノの郊外で行った事に端を発する。それまでベールに包まれていたキャロルの世界(過去一度だけショーを行ったが当時のジャーナリズムはキャロルの独走的な世界を心よくは受け取らなかった)を濃縮して見る事が出来た。場所はもともと精肉工場で3つの大きな冷蔵室がありそのなかにキャロルのメッセージとともに作品(あえてコレクションと言わない)か展示されるという内容であった。世界各国からバイヤー、友人、ジャーナリスト、ショールームのオーナー等が訪問しキャロルの世界を存分に味わった。後にこのイベントの評判は賛否両論を呼ぶ事となるがクリエーター、ファッションフォワーダーの間では絶讃されこのビジュアルをNYでもとの事となりビジュアルのみNYのギャラリーで展開する事となった。そしてこの度Graça Fisherさんの協力をえてLift écruにて日本で初のキャロルクリスチャンポエルの世界展を開催する運びとなりました。このイベントではビジュアルだけでなく過去の一点物やイメージピースを展示し視覚的にも物理的にも今迄日本に紹介されなかったキャロルの世界を体感することが出来ます。又、イベントにはCCPからGraça Fisherさんも来日して皆様の質問等にお答え致します。
This even was from the first presentation that Carol did for the ’01 SS Milan collection in June, just outside the city of Milan. Carol’s ideas were revealed and public to the society for the second time, where the first time didn’t have many positive feedbacks from the media. Location of this presentation was originally a butcher factory, with Carol’s pieces (not collections) were exhibited with her messages. Buyers, friends, journalists, show room owner from around the world visited this occasion to feel Carol’s world of uniqueness. This even later received both applaud and criticism, but his work was loved by creators and fashion forewarders and this was later done in the New York gallery as well due to request. On this occasion, with the help of Graca Fisher, the first Carol Christian Poell’s exhbition will be held at the Lift Ecru. You can experience Carol’s world through the items from the past that was never seen or felt in Japan before. Graca Fisher will visit Japan and will be present at the event to answer everyone’s question regarding on the event.
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