escape とは逃避ではなく、負のスパイラルを回避する為に発生するアクションであり、
The inspiration for this installation is from the Pozzo di Sangallo in Orvieto, Italy.
This pozzo is like a huge spiral hole due to drink groundwater; the stairs system is going back and forth, never crossing its ways and the center part is a tube-shaped stairwell to the window in the ceiling. The basement is deep and people will be drawn to the mysterious world going down the slope, while the only source of light is a circular window in the ceiling.
This time when a negative spiral swirls, the escape from a crisis is necessary. Why? Because when it is caught in the whirlpool, anything passes out of sight will be like the bird which lost eyesight. Nowadays conditions are just like the figure itself, and even though great art, thought and life are existing, these are easily caught in a negative spiral. Now we need to find a way to escape from the present condition and face to every subject purely. ‘Escape’ does not mean running away, it is an action to avoid negative spiral and also protection in order to build free thought.
今回のインスタレーションの象徴として、escape sneak が誕生した。エクリュでは、はしごの形状をしたものが配備され、エタージュではレスキュー隊の基地のバーのような形状のもの。どちらもescape には必要なものである。又、蛇は己自身スパイラルを作るが、それは自身の保護の為に最適なフォルムであり、又その動きはしなやかで、スピ―ディー、体をくねらせながら大地をすり抜けて行く。その姿はインスタレーションの象徴として完璧であり、そのインスピレーションからSNAEK BAR と SNEAK LADDER が誕生した。
The symbol of this installation is the snake. In ecru, form of ladder will be deployed and like a form of bar from the rescue party will be deployed in etage.
Both of these are needed to escape. And snake makes spiral by itself, but it is the best form for their protection and movement is supple and speed, and pass through the earth while wiggling a body. This figure was perfect as a symbol of the installation, and SNAKE BAR and SNAKE LADDER were born from this inspiration.