CAROL CHRISTIAN POELL " = SELFSAME "平成21年8月1日〜Lift eatge, Lift ecru
The latest collection by CAROL CHRISTIAN POELL is entitled "SELFSAME" and was presented in a derilict slaughterhouse on the out-skirts of Milano.
The pieces were organized and hung on a movable metal structure to contrast these organic elements with the giant cold inorganic space.
Various different "Stories" can be found within this one large collection :
Shoes . leather jackets and bags were all shown as part of a "Drip Story" : all the items had rubber from the bottom dripping upwards , like liquid opposing the laws of gravity.
A collection of "SELF EDGE" items truly show the real meaning of this special technique to the optimum degree and take it to its highest level on each garment. In addition , the material for these items are made of raw wool in order to best capture the original feeling and essence of the animals from which it came and embody it in each individual garment.
In addition , various "Spiral patterned items" are part of another separate "story" of garments which have been created to wrap around the human body and offer protection when they are worn.
When examined closely several times it can be seen that every detail of each of the numerous items in the collection has been researched and accomplished to the very highest standard and quality and that the work of CAROL CHRISTIAN POELL is truly as close to perfection as we have yet seen.